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Best Business Books 2013

As we come to the end of the year and the various lists that take to the stage, here’s my six best business books 2013.

It’s been a great year for books that have made their mark in terms of new thinking from The Icarus Deception at the beginning of the year to Epic Content Marketing released this Autumn.

The Best Business Books 2013

The Icarus Deception – Seth Godin

Icarus. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetSeth Godin’s work is one of the most noted for making a stand and picking yourself in a world searching for attention. The principals of creation and persistance to be regarded as an artist ring true for many business owners. Godin’s acceptance of the ‘Lizard Brain’ and to conquer our fears, worries and embrace our challenges is one where the future is about humanising our brands.


Valuable Content Marketing – Sonja Jefferson & Sharon Tanton

Valuable Content Marketing. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetIt’s good to fly the flag for a British book that highlights case studies and opinion a bit closer to home. This book provides clear insights and the way that content marketing is changing the mindset of marketing. The way that the world has moved from broadcasting to helping is highlighted throughout and with the hints and tips to take action, it is a roadmap for modern marketing. Have a read of the ‘Talking Content’ session with co-author Sonja Jefferson by clicking here.


The Impact Equation – Chris Brogan & Julien Smith

Impact Equation. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetThere’s an overiding formula throughout with CREATE (Contrast+Reach+Exposure+Articulation+Trust+Echo) a the principal for how to connect better with others and to position yourself better in the marketplace. This book has real direction and flow that makes it a valuable asset in your marketing toolkit. There is a real humility to this book that makes it stand out.


YouTility – Jay Baer

Youtility. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetThis book sets the precedent by changing an approach from telling everyone how great you are to proving how useful you can be. The customer focus aspect is evident throughout by delivering information that is compelling to create long term trust and advocacy. What I took from this book is that by being helpful, relevant and interesting is what sets businesses apart and the advice highlighted throughout to implement serves as a great resource.


Epic Content Marketing – Joe Pulizzi

Epic Content Marketing. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetTo some this is the bible for content marketing (following on from Joe Pullizi’s previous two books, Managing Content Marketing and Get Content Get Customers). This book sets the scene for where the origins of content began and progresses through to the importance of content marketing as an ongoing commitment and to sell more, we need to be marketing less. There is so much to take out from this book including content calendars, defining niches, content mission statements, content promotion and managing the creation process. This book is the authority and stamps its place as the almanac for modern thinking.

Ctrl, Alt, Delete – Mitch Joel

Ctrl Alt Del. Content marketing The ID Group, Bournemouth, DorsetThis is my personal favourite from 2013. This has changed my thinking from looking at the way that the world was, to the need to reboot and adjust for now. The whole business landscape has changed and this explains where we’ve come from to where we are going and the need to provide information for our audiences that they need and to find valuable. We need to make a change now or become that thing we never set out to be, irrelevant. This book is a wake up call to adapt and move forward.


These six books have made an impact and as we all look forward to 2014 there will always something more substantial about reading a book over other forms of self education that has a clear focus and a meaningful outcome to challenge the way that we think.





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