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Changing The Way You Look At The World By Creative Thinking

When you reimagine or rethink a product this changes the way you look at the world.

This is evident within the world around us. A recent visit to a garden centre (no, I haven’t resorted to Wether’s Originals just yet) made more of an impact by noting that the Jamie Oliver brand has now branched out to plants and growing your own produce. It all comes from buying into the brand that represents standing for something and living better with healthier food.

But this represents more than buying into what a brand stands for, it highlights creative thinking being a factor for success and changing the way the world is seen. The Jamie Oliver brand is well respected, it’s a case of applying that brand into other formats that are accepted by its audience.

Creativity is a benchmark for great business and reimagining a product opens new markets and new audiences.

BIC took this approach by originally being recognised as a supplier of pens, but during the early 1970s introduced the lighter and mid 1970s debuted the disposable razor to the world. One of the leading examples of changing the way a brand looks at the world.

With regards to changing the way the world is seen, one of the best examples is in Russia and the coffee shop format. Take a bow Tsiferblat (based in Moscow), where they have turned the concept on its head.

The coffee shop experience is based on paying for our drink and food and enjoying the environment (and free Wi-Fi) that we’re sat within. How about turning it on its head where you pay for your time in the coffee shop and not the coffee/tea/muffins. This flips the whole way that the coffee shop environment is seen.

The examples here all represent either reworking a brand or a way of working that we all become used to and challenging the status quo to offer new alternatives that are different from the majority.

Changing the way that you look at the world is based on the discipline to trust one’s gut instinct, stay true to one’s core belief and have a purpose for what you stand for.

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