Month of Learning

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Show 83 – Knowledge


There is a wealth of knowledge that sits within your business, it’s time to share and be regarded as a leading provider of information within your sector.

More importantly knowledge helps humanise your brand and to guide others through a journey.

That thing called a blog, consider it as your knowledge bank and continually add deposits and not withdrawals by slipping back into product promotion mode.

Ask yourself:

  • what can you specialise in and be regarded as knowledgeable?
  • how are you going to collate thoughts and information (I think Evernote is a fantastic tool for idea collation)?
  • where are you going to find inspiration from ie. books, the world around you?
  • will you have the ability to empower people?

The reason why you should share what you know:

  • it helps you develop
  • it can build profile
  • it makes you different
  • it helps make deeper connections
  • you feel better for it

Here’s the third show in the Framework section.


homebrew learning


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