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Book your placeThe Best Business Books 2013
As holiday season is on the horizon and the decision to read at the beach or by the pool, what business book should you read when it comes to some personal thinking time?
Fear not, here are my top 5 reads over the past few months. Lets call it the best business books 2013 (even if a couple were published last year).
When it comes to reading (and I don’t mean a Tweet or the business pages of the Sunday Times), it can open up a whole new way of thinking. There are fantastic books out there to give focus and build the direction for your business (or personally). It doesn’t involve spending a small fortune to venture to a seminar, to get the latest thinking in a world that has had a seismic shift to a new way of working. This thinking isn’t even being taught in universities and the new content from authors almost makes anything else written before 2009 obselete.
No order, but here are the best business books 2013:
Ctrl Alt Delete : Mitch Joel
Published last month, this book looks at the notion that business has changed dramatically over the past few years and with the one-screen world we now live in, we all have to reboot our businesses (and ourselves) otherwise we’ll get further behind and eventually irrelevant. Some could say that this is a sobering read, but one where we can learn to adapt and make that change now.
The Icarus Deception : Seth Godin
The latest book from the grand master of business strategy and thinking, identifies that the work that we produce needs to be rewarded as art and not compliance with what the world expects of us. True innovation is based on innovation, energy, humility and creating stories that spread. The challenge for us all is to stand up, be seen and make a difference.
Content Rules : Ann Hadley & C.C. Chapman
In a world where content is the new social currency, Content Rules is a guide that looks at the variety of platforms to create, cultivate and grow what you stand for. The whole focus is to tell stories that the reader will relate to. We have to earn the attention of our audience, if we are compelling, authentic and interesting we position ourselves head and shoulders above the competition.
The Book Of Business Awesome/Unawesome : Scott Stratten
Whilst now a word that I read too many times and makes me shiver (‘awesome’), this book is ‘two for the price of one.’ By being ‘awesome’ it’s the fire in the belly and the windows of opportunity that can drive a business. By being ‘unawesome’ it’s the practices and thinking that businesses commit (and there are a good few examples here to steer away from).
The Power Of Unpopular : Erika Napoletano
Popularity and blending in with the crowd isn’t important, what’s important is to have your own voice and be heard, popular is the last thing we want to become. What is vital is the relationships we build with our audience. It doesn’t matter the number of followers you have on Twitter or the likes on Facebook, what matters is the people who are listening to you. If you make a commitment to help more people than we ask to help us, we are making a difference.
Rather than make that last minute decision in the airport based on a blurb on the back of a book or what’s in the top 10 in Waterstone’s, I’d certainly recommend these books to make a difference to your way of thinking and if you are going on holiday in the coming weeks, have a fantastic break.
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