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Book your placeWhy ‘Selling’ Gets You Nowhere
I don’t know if you too have been indundated with calls recently regarding misselling of PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) and how you can easily claim thousands of pounds back. It made us think with the number of calls being made, does anyone like being sold too?
Customers do not want to be ‘sold’ anything. Rather, they want their hopes, needs and wants catered for.
For any product or service you offer, having a ‘don’t sell to me’ ethic can begin to change the whole dynamic. Here’s some examples:
- If you own a restaurant, don’t sell me dinner, sell me a great night out without any guilt
- If you are a printer, don’t sell me print, sell me as many different tangible ways for people to say ‘wow’
- If you are a personal trainer don’t sell me training packages, sell me self-confidence
- If you own a business centre don’t sell me office space, sell me an opportunity to build credibility, pride and accomplishments
- If you run a networking group, sell me business friendships
What this discipline does is encourage you to look at the world through the eyes of others. As you can see from the above examples, the whole focus is to offer emotional benefits as opposed to product features.
We all want happier, healthier and better lives, so rather than focus solely on the ‘sale’ the whole stance needs to be on the ‘customer needs.’ It can make a huge difference.
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